Bar 40 Media

Brand Oriented SEO Consulting, Copywriting & Search Marketing Solutions

Archive for March 2nd, 2010

It Really Is About Time

Some people who know me are probably thinking, “It’s about time you finally put together a Web site!”

And they’re right – it is about time.

Things take time.  I can admit that there was some hesitation about putting together a Web site and offering search marketing services for the whole world to see.  But more than anything it was about having the bandwidth to put something together.  That includes something as simple and humble as this WordPress -powered site.

I do wish I had put this together months ago.  But the one thing about taking your time, even if it’s because you lack much of it, is that it gives you the opportunity to critically think about what you’re doing.  For me, it gave me the chance to forgo a potentially foolish domain name and to evaluate what I wanted to offer.

What does this have to do with SEO?  Well, for starters, a good SEO project takes time and dedication.  There are no silver bullets or short cuts; even if you don’t have a lot of disposable time, you still have to remain vigilant and dedicated to your SEO strategy.

Now go look at your site.  Look past the big, ugly glaring challenges staring you down.  Is there something small that you can do that will help you get your site to where you want it to be?  Personally, I know I have at least two dozen.

Hope to see you around!

Oh – and I apologize for the horrible play on words.

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 blogging, search marketing, SEO Comments Off on It Really Is About Time
March 2010